Hemp Bombs CBD Cartridges 125MG UK


Hemp Bombs CBD Cartridges 125MG UK

These high potency CBD Vape Tank Cartridges are the pre-configured solution for vapers looking to incorporate CBD into their routine. Vape Tanks are user-friendly and don’t require maintenance like other vape modules. Simply connect the universal 510 thread to a vape device to begin use. Cartridges are made of quality durable glass, not plastic. Buy Hemp Bombs CBD Cartridges UK

As always, Hemp Bombs uses premium ingredients for sourcing and production. Our products are manufactured with CBD and do not produce the psychoactive effects associated with THC. Our product quality and expertise is unrivaled in the CBD industry.

Supplement Facts
Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract 125 mg
Vegetable Glycerine
Propylene Glycol

What Are The Benefits Of CBD?

CBD carries a number of properties that may help you live a more active lifestyle. CBD effects everyone differently, so you may experience any number of results:

Stress Relief
Anxiety Relief
Great night’s sleep
Post-workout recovery


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